Here are the highlights from Sturgeon County Council’s regular meeting on May 14, 2024.
Mayor Alanna Hnatiw proclaimed the following:
- May 16, 2024, as Moose Hide Campaign Day
Appointment of Agricultural Inspectors
Council appointed Nakysta Van Hecke and Natalie Kieser as municipal inspectors under the Agricultural Pests Act and the Weed Control Act. Weed and pest inspectors educate the public about weeds and monitor public and private property for the presence of noxious or prohibited noxious weeds and unsightly vegetation. This is a budgeted expense and no additional funds were requested.
Subregional Negotiating Committee Member Appointments
Mayor Hnatiw and Councillors Stang and Berry were appointed to the Sturgeon County – Town of Redwater Intermunicipal Committee. This committee meets as needed to develop recommendations to the respective Councils. The Town of Redwater has indicated it wants to begin renegotiating the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework it has in place with the County.
Approval of Fire Master Plan Development
Council approved the Fire Master Plan project, which helps ensure the County is adequately resourced to provide firefighting protection as the County grows. This includes assessing station locations, personnel needed, equipment needed, mutual aid agreements and more. This project is funded through the approved operating budget and no additional funds were requested.
Contract Awards
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Replacement
Council awarded the contract for the self-contained breathing apparatus replacement for firefighters to Rocky Mountain Phoenix Inc. This is critical equipment that provides breathable air to firefighters while they perform their work in hazardous environments.
Culvert Replacements and Channel Maintenance
Council awarded the contract for culvert replacements and channel maintenance to Abacus Enterprises Inc. This work supports drainage maintenance and will replace 56 culverts, 2,910 metres of channel maintenance and 1,120 metres of vegetation clearing and mulching.
Micro-Surfacing Pavement Preservation
Council awarded the contract for micro-surfacing pavement preservation to Miller Capilano Maintenance Corporation. This work consists of approximately 74,500 square metres of micro-surfacing in various locations in the County.
Mill and Overlay Pavement Preservation
Council awarded the contract for mill and overlay pavement preservation to Knelsen Sand & Gravel Ltd. This work consists of approximately 77,000 square metres of milling and asphalt placement in locations throughout Sturgeon County.
Woodridge Subdivision Reconstruction and Surfacing
Council awarded the contract for Woodridge subdivision reconstruction and surfacing to Central Civil Solutions Inc. This project consists of paving 4.3 kilometres of local roads in the subdivision.
2024 Gravel Haul
Council awarded the contract for gravel hauling to Daya Transport Services. This contract helps maintain gravel roads’ integrity and safety. View a map of planned work for 2024.
Gravel Road Improvements Program
Council awarded the contract for gravel road improvements to PME Inc. and Doblanko Contracting Inc. This work includes shoulder pulling, stabilization, drainage improvements and brushing. View a map of the planned work for 2024.
Legal Arena and Curling Rink Retrofit
Council approved the Town of Legal’s funding request for the Legal Arena and curling rink retrofit project. The County will fund $750,000 to be paid over six years with the first payment in 2025. County residents will have access to the facility due to the County’s recreation partnerships with other communities in the region.
Curbside Waste Collection
Council directed administration to bring forward options for a curbside waste collection program and accompanying waste collection/transfer station options that would support an overarching waste strategy for the County.
Committee of the Whole
Council received a presentation from resident Janice Nolte on pit dewatering and water well concerns, and accepted the presentation as information.
Council received a presentation from Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association representatives and accepted the presentation as information.
Next Council Meeting
The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on May 28, 2024. Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online.
Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings
View our webpage about land use planning and community engagement.
- At Sturgeon County, before Council gets public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, it gives the proposed bylaw first reading. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw; this allows the proposed bylaw to go to the next stage of the bylaw process, which is gathering public input.
- Public hearings, along with other public notices, are promoted on the public notices page on the Sturgeon County website as well as in local newspapers, on social media, and on road signs in accordance with the Public Notification Bylaw.
- Public hearings are open to any members of the public to view or provide input.
- Viewing the public hearing: You can view the hearing in-person or via livestream at
- Making a written submission: you can provide a written submission by email up to the close of the public hearing.
- Speaking at the public hearing: you can provide a statement at the public hearing in person or via videoconference. You are encouraged to pre-register to speak in-person at the public hearing. If you wish to speak via videoconference, you must register at least 24 hours prior to the opening of the public hearing. Register by contacting Legislative Services at 780-939-8277.
- When considering public input, Council considers how and to what degree the person is impacted by the proposed amendment.