Here are the highlights from Sturgeon County Council’s regular meeting on August 27, 2024.
Proposed Disposal of Reserve Parcel (Lot R22 Block 3 Plan 772 2157) in Cardiff Echoes
Council directed that a Public Hearing be scheduled for the proposed disposal of a County-owned reserve parcel (Lot R22 Block 3 Plan 772 2157) in Cardiff Echoes. The disposal is proposed to help create better drainage and alleviate flooding issue in that area.
Letter of Support for the Town of Bon Accord’s Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application: Regional Transportation Network Plan
Council directed Administration to prepare a letter of support for the Town of Bon Accord’s Alberta Community Partnership Grant application for a Regional Transportation Network Plan and Capital Plan Update project. The Town’s project is meant to assess current and future needs for its roads bordering the County.
Request from Lufwanyama, Zambia to Form Sister Districts with Sturgeon County
Council declined a request from the Mayor of Lufwanyama, Zambia, to form an official sister districthood with Sturgeon County. Alternatively, Council elected to proceed with advancing an informal relationship with Lufwanyama’s Council. View information on Lufwanyama, Zambia.
Advocacy for the Twinning of Portions of Highway 63 and Highway 28 between Edmonton and Fort McMurray
Information was presented to Council in response to Deputy Mayor Comeau’s Notice of Motion made at the July 16, 2024, Regular Council meeting regarding advocacy for the twinning of portions of Highway 63 and Highway 28 between Edmonton and Fort McMurray.
Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter to the Minster of Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors indicating Sturgeon County’s support of twinning that portion of the highway, as well as adding the matter to Sturgeon County’s infrastructure priorities with Alberta Transportation.
Adding Bellerose Park as a Designated Leash Area
Information was presented to Council in response to Councillor Toms’ Notice of Motion made at the July 16, 2024, Regular Council Meeting regarding the potential designation of Bellerose Park as a Designated Leash Area pursuant to section 6.1 of Dog Control Bylaw 1352/15 (excluding the constructed off-leash area). Council directed Administration to come back at a future date to provide information and options related to the park’s future designation.
Committee of the Whole
Capital Region Northeast Water Services Commission Presentation
Council accepted a presentation from the Capital Region Northeast Water Services Commission as information. The presentation provided a Commission overview and updates.
Next Council Meeting
The next Sturgeon County Council meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on September 10, 2024. Future agendas and past meeting minutes can be found online.
Fast facts about land use bylaw amendments and public hearings
View our webpage about land use planning and community engagement.
- At Sturgeon County, before Council gets public feedback on a proposed land use bylaw amendment, it gives the proposed bylaw first reading. This does not mean Council supports the bylaw; this allows the proposed bylaw to go to the next stage of the bylaw process, which is gathering public input.
- Public hearings, along with other public notices, are promoted on the public notices page on the Sturgeon County website as well as in local newspapers, on social media, and on road signs in accordance with the Public Notification Bylaw.
- Public hearings are open to any members of the public to view or provide input.
- Viewing the public hearing: You can view the hearing in-person or via livestream at
- Making a written submission: you can provide a written submission by email up to the close of the public hearing.
- Speaking at the public hearing: you can provide a statement at the public hearing in person or via videoconference. You are encouraged to pre-register to speak in-person at the public hearing. If you wish to speak via videoconference, you must register at least 24 hours prior to the opening of the public hearing. Register by contacting Legislative Services at 780-939-8277.
- When considering public input, Council considers how and to what degree the person is impacted by the proposed amendment.