Leading the Way in Chemical Innovation

Guardian Chemicals has established itself as an innovative company in the specialty chemicals industry, celebrating 60 years of excellence in 2020. Founded on principles of expertise, holistic solutions, and validated results, Guardian continues to redefine customer expectations through its comprehensive approach to chemical solutions.

Scaling Success Through Quality and Expansion

Since its inception, Guardian has achieved significant milestones that underscore its resilience and commitment to quality. A pivotal move in 1972 saw the company relocate to Alberta. This was followed by another strategic move to Sturgeon County in 1997, where it expanded operations in 2002.

sturgeon county 2020 guardian working

Today, Guardian operates one of Western Canada’s largest specialty chemical labs, boasting a robust portfolio of patents and serving over 4,000 clients across eight countries with a production capacity of 12 million kg per year. “Being situated in Sturgeon County, Guardian Chemicals benefits from a supportive business environment and strategic location near major transportation routes,” says Geoffrey Roth, Managing Director. “This proximity ensures efficient distribution and access to markets across North America, complemented by access to skilled workforce and essential resources within Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.”

Guardian Chemicals attributes its growth and scalability to strategic investments in product innovation and human capital. By adhering to rigorous quality standards, Guardian ensures sustainable growth aligned with the triple bottom line—people, planet, and profit. This approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fuels expansion into new industries and global markets.

Delivering Tailored Value to Customers

Guardian distinguishes itself by offering unmatched expertise tailored to maximize value for each customer. With a deep understanding of chemistry and diverse industries, Guardian takes a holistic view by designing, supplying, and maintaining chemistry, equipment, technology, and services. Every solution is validated to ensure tangible benefits for their clients.

Flexibility in Innovation

Looking ahead, Guardian Chemicals continues to innovate with new and reformulated products designed to set industry standards in performance and environmental sustainability. Their recent Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) reduction project, as showcased in their case study on low VOC cleaners and degreasers, exemplifies their proactive stance in meeting evolving regulatory and market demands. This initiative not only highlights their commitment to reducing environmental impact but also underscores their leadership in developing solutions that exceed industry standards for safety and efficiency.

Runway at Villeneuve Airport, with small airplane in background

Guardian Chemicals stands at the forefront of chemical innovation, driven by commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth. With a legacy of sixty years and counting, they continue to shape the future of specialty chemicals, one solution at a time. Inspiring confidence and setting benchmarks in the industry, they truly are “Chemistry Done Better, For a Better Future”.

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