Division Five Councillor Deanna Stang

Elected in 2021

Councillor Deanna Stang is a long-time resident of Sturgeon County. She and her husband of 28 years have raised three amazing children who have attended local schools and participated in sports and clubs of all levels.

Councillor Stang says that raising a family in a close-knit community drove her to volunteer as much as possible.  She served as a Councillor in the Town of Legal in 2004, which really ignited her passion for serving. Councillor Stang knows the administration of a vibrant and multicultural community is key to its success. Acting as the liaison to Legal Chamber of Commerce and Sturgeon Foundation deepened Councillor Stang’s perspective of residents and their diverse needs.

Councillor Stang and her husband own a manufacturing facility that has been in the Town of Legal for almost 38 years, employing many residents over the years. She’s also worked as a financial consultant with a national company, a provincial mortgage consultant, and in provincial personal insurance for the last seven years.

In her spare time, Councillor Stang enjoys spending quality time with her family, reading and baking.

Boards and Committees

  • Agricultural Service Board
  • Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC)
  • Audit Selection Committee
  • Capital Committee
  • Governance and Council Services Committee (alternate)
  • Sturgeon County / Alexander First Nation Intergovernmental Affairs Committee
  • Sturgeon County / City of St.Albert Inter-Municipal Affairs Committee
  • Sturgeon County / Morinville Inter-Municipal Affairs Committee
  • Youth Advisory Committee
  • Athabasca Landing Trail Steering Committee
  • Edmonton Region Waste Advisory Committee (ERWAC) (alternate)
  • River Valley Alliance Advisory Board (alternate)
  • Roseridge Waste Management Services Commission (alternate)
  • Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch
  • Sturgeon Victim Services

Expense Reports

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