Construction Updates – January 29, 2024

Access Fibre (runs by each premise in a subdivision, hamlet or industrial park)

  • CFOC is creating the work plan to finish the Pro North area, they are reviewing available crews and timelines.
  • All other access construction is complete

Drop fibre (connects the access fibre to the premise)

  • Drops will continue in the Meadowview Drive area when the weather permits.
  • Most of the drops left require pipeline crossing agreements and special installation procedures.

Splicing (connecting the fiber segments into one continuous length)

  • Splicing along the mainline between Villeneuve and Highway 642 is 25% complete, it is expected to be complete in early February.

ONT installation (the last step before service is available to a premise)

  • Additional installations are scheduled for this week on the west side of Villeneuve.
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